Protect Your Assets

Because Bad Things Happen to Good People

Small Business Asset Protection

Life is not all smooth seas and easy sailing. Life can throw many curve balls with family or business break-ups, health issues or business problems.

Protect all your hard work and minimise the potential damage with comprehensive asset protection strategies.

We steer you through a risk planning strategy, thinking of the worst possible scenarios, and then helping you plan how to protect your assets from disappearing faster than Melbourne sunshine in winter.

We help protect your future and your legacy, and if things go pear shaped, we guide you through it and help you get the best possible outcomes in the situation. We discover options that you may not have even thought of and have your back when you need it most.

Past Business Decisions Can Haunt You

A client was sued over an allegation of poor workmanship in relation to a previous business of theirs that had ceased trading. Unfortunately, they had received some bad advice (not from us!) and had used their old trading company as trustee of the self-managed super fund. This meant that when the lawyers for the plaintiff searched the records of the company, the assets of the superannuation fund were listed as it was trustee, giving the impression there were assets available to pay any claim. Whilst we were subsequently able to establish that these properties were owned by the fund and not the company, this was not before it cost the client tens of thousands of dollars in legals and an incredible amount of worry that their life’s work and retirement nest egg was going to be taken from them. All this could have been avoided with the right superannuation advice in the first place!

Asset Protection Services

  • Business Structuring & Restructuring – All protection starts with the right legal business structure. Let’s explore your options and set you up with the right structure for now and the future.
  • Family Trusts – Family businesses can be brilliant (yet complex). Let us help you set up your family trusts so that you are legally compliant, and still manage the family dynamics.
  • Risk Management – No one likes to think of accidents, deaths, fraud, cybercrime and a host of other nasties. We help you confront it, plan for it and then move on with life.
  • Business Valuations – How much is your business really worth? You may need valuations for funding, selling, or dealing with a partnership split. We can value your business for you.
  • Estate Planning – What happens if you are hit by the proverbial bus? We help you think through what happens in the case of your death, and how your legacy will be protected.
  • Divorce & Partnership Separation Response – Friends and lovers can turn into mortal enemies. We can help you deal with the financial aspects of separation and divorce on your business
  • Superannuation – At some stage, you will want to retire and follow your dreams. The right superannuation strategy will help you pay for those dreams.


Want to set a new course for your business?

Let’s have a coffee chat so you can work out if we are a good fit for you and your business.